My Pledge

Hello, and welcome to my humble rambling of thoughts page: Please, Consider the Following.

However you may have stumbled across this site, I thank you for your time in reading what I have written.  In this blog, I plan on sharing my thoughts (though pointless to many of you, I’m sure they may be) on various topics in touch with science, engineering, and related fields.  Every once in a while, I may spice it up and throw in something just for fun, though I consider science to be one of the most fun topics that could ever be discussed.

You may have read the title of this blog and thought “I’ve seen that somewhere before, it seems so familiar.”  And if you’re here and genuinely interested in science, I’m sure that thought is completely true.  You can call me a thief if you wish, but I swiped it from Bill Nye.  You know, the Science Guy.  Growing up, and still today, Bill Nye was an idol to me. I watched his shows in elementary school and his teaching style sparked an interest in science that would never burn out.  Today, I have an even greater respect for the man.  As many of you may know, Bill is a Cornell graduate with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, and he is now the executive director of the Planetary Society, a group that is dedicated to the advancement of space exploration.  Though to some it may even seem juvenile because of his association with a kids show, I still look up to Bill and what he does to help improve our planet and educate the public about what they can do to make this world a better place to live.  So, I hope you don’t mind me using his catchy phrase as the title.

That is part of what this blog is about: reporting and sharing thoughts on scientific research, engineering news, and items that have the potential to literally change the world.  Though I know this is never likely to get many views, if I can get just one person to gain an initiative for thinking beyond mundane, day-to-day tasks and considering the vast magnificence of science and how we, as a society, can utilize scientific knowledge and engineering principles to make an impact on the world, it could be a life-changing event for that person and have lasting effects on the world as we know it.  I mean, someone had to spark Einstein’s thirst for knowledge, right?

So that, my friends, is my pledge to you. I will try my best so that you can use this blog as one of innumerable tools available for the gain of scientific knowledge and thought-provoking material.  Though it may seem like a lot of mumblings about nothing of interest, I hope you can find it as much more.

Let’s change the world!


~ by jasonwardOSU on May 13, 2011.

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